Community Health Workers
Community Health Workers (CHW) are members of the community who have an understanding of health systems, chronic conditions, disease prevention and community resources. CHWs can help any member of the community to navigate the Health Care System; they can help you finding resources in multiple areas, they can advocate on your behalf, set up doctor’s appointments, help you understand your diagnosis and treatment plan, help you establish patterns and behaviors that will keep you healthy.
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CHC of Wyandotte County believes in the ability of Community Health Workers (CHWs) as agents of lasting change. According to APHA, CHWs “build individual and community capacity by increasing health knowledge and self-sufficiency through a range of activities such as outreach, community education, informal counseling, social support, and advocacy.”
In addition to their health knowledge, Community Health Workers have intimate knowledge of the community they work in and can provide unique insight to the strengths, weaknesses, and needs of those they serve.
Learn More About Community Health Workers
Teri Quinn
CHC of Wyandotte County
Martha Mendoza-Moreno
CHC of Wyandotte County
Ashley Gonzalez
CHC of Wyandotte County
Alma Lopez
WyCo Connect
Andrea Padilla
WyCo Connect
Karla Sevilla
WyCo Connect
Kinley Yangzom
WyCo Connect
Santa Moreno-Tagle
CHC of Wyandotte County
Carla Moralez
CHC of Wyandotte County
Helping When it Matters the Most
Help Navigating The Struggle
Brian Matlock
CHC of Wyandotte County
Mariah Chrans, IBCLC, Ph.D
Cradle Kansas City
Year Launched:
The CHW campaign was first released in Winter of 2016
People Reached
This campaign provided CHWs for thousands across Wyandotte
Outreach Mediums Utliized
Print, Video, Social Media, Outreach Events

The mission of the Community Health Council of Wyandotte County is to enhance health outcomes in Wyandotte County through informing, collaborating, aligning, mobilizing and activating organizations, government entities and community members.