Since 2002, Community Health Council of Wyandotte County (CHC) has engaged the community in identifying and addressing health inequities; amplifying community voices, providing direct services, and operating as a community convener, organizer, and intermediary through our collective health improvement efforts.
We are organizing and magnifying community voices to increase health care equity, quality, and access, connect residents to necessary services (such as transportation and healthy foods), promote whole person health, conduct research/education, and advocate for policy changes.
CHC is committed to community and creating space for residents to lead efforts in the issues that matter most to them. We believe that residents have the ability, and an inherent right, to provide leadership in the shaping of physical spaces and public policies which impact their health
CHC increases civic engagement and community involvement through Community Action Boards (CABs), human-centered design, place-based education/outreach, and community organizing. In 2022, the American Medical Association acknowledged voting as a social determinant of health due to the positive relationship between civic engagement and health outcomes. CHC sees civic engagement as directly linked to improving health outcomes. As such, policy advocacy and civic engagement are central to our mission.
CHC is accountable to the community we serve and the partners with whom we work. Collaboration is at the root of the work that we perform. CHC collaborates with numerous local, statewide, and even national organizations to move our community towards health and wellness.
As we get closer to the 2024 election, CHC is working to increase education and outreach regarding voting rights, voter registration, polling locations, civic engagement, and more. Have questions, concerns, or want more information? Please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Get Involved in CHC’s Civic Engagement, Voting and Advocacy Work!
Contact: Kim Weaver,, 913-391-5336

The mission of the Community Health Council of Wyandotte County is to enhance health outcomes in Wyandotte County through informing, collaborating, aligning, mobilizing and activating organizations, government entities and community members.