Community Health Worker
Core Competency Training Program
Community Health Council of Wyandotte County offers a Community Health Worker Core Competency Training Program for both Kansas and Missouri. Our CHW class meets the requirements to become credentialed in Missouri with the MO Credentialing Board, and certified in Kansas with the KS CHW Coalition.
We use the Foundations for Community Health Workers text book version 2 (Version 3 is coming out any day)
The CHC course is offered several times a year with an in person format for $1,300. However, the 2023 trainings are supported by our regional and state funders, including KDHE, and will be offered at no cost to participants.
Our current class offerings are:
Winter/Spring February 13th- April 20th, Monday & Thursday 1-5pm @ CHC

Summer June 3rd- Aug 26th
Saturdays 9am-3pm @ CHC

Fall September 11th-Novemeber 15th Monday & Wednesday 9am-1pm @ CHC

To learn more about the CHW curriculum that CHC uses- please go here
To learn more about the MO Association of CHWs
To learn more about the KS CHW Collation
To learn more about the KC Regional CHW Collation
To learn more about CHWs in the nation, please go here &
Community Health Workers (CHWs) serve as a link between a patient and health or social service agencies, working to improve health outcomes by improving access to services and quality of care. CHWs are trusted members of the community and have a close understanding of the community they serve.
This trusting relationship enables the worker to serve as a link between health and social services and the community to facilitate access to services and improve the quality and cultural competence of service delivery.
The completion of this training allows the participants to seek a CHW Credential through the Missouri Credentialing Board or a CHW Certificate through the Kansas CHW Coalition.