A Community is a vibrant, diverse place filled with people of all sizes, shapes, colors and creeds, so the health needs concerning it are dynamic and diverse as well. At CHC we focus on bringing in quality people who can help these communities tackle health issues.
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    Wyandotte LoveOur ability to engage community and build meaningful relationships with the people who live, work, worship and serve here is our foundational strength.
    Progressive IdeasCHC excels at identifying health improvement opportunities, designing shared strategies and maximizing the collective genius that exists between the various collaborators.
    Flexability & CompromiseIt is through our relationships we practice our values of empathy, creativity and collaboration in every project we direct and every program we implement.
    Driven, Caring LeadershipCHC is an organization comprised of C-level leaders from local hospitals, clinics, public health, universities and health foundations, we know the industries in which we serve.
    Multi-LanguageOur Staff knows so much more about how to communicate than merely by all speaking English, Or Spanish. Through staff members we represent over 20 languages and spoke in.
    Passion and DriveWe serve Wyandotte by tirelessly creating strategic collaborations and innovative programs with our community partners to meet the needs of our community.
    Teri Quinn20230830144932

    Teri Quinn

    Education, Outreach, and Strategic Communications Coordinator
    CHC of Wyandotte County
    Molly Gotobed20180630121443

    Molly Gotobed

    Executive Director
    CHC of Wyandotte County
    Kansas Assistance Network, LLC
    Andrea Padilla20220412161355

    Andrea Padilla

    Maternal Community Health Worker
    WyCo Connect
    Kinley Yangzom20220302211543

    Kinley Yangzom

    Community Health Worker
    WyCo Connect
    Santa Moreno-Tagle20220302211137

    Santa Moreno-Tagle

    CHW Program Manager
    CHC of Wyandotte County
    Brian Matlock20220502163030

    Brian Matlock

    Education, Outreach, & Strategic Communications Manager
    CHC of Wyandotte County
    Carolina Biagi20200108143929

    Carolina Biagi

    Program Director
    Kansas Assistance Network, LLC
    Ricardo Ortiz20200513140914

    Ricardo Ortiz

    Program Manager
    Kansas Assistance Network, LLC
    Carla Moralez20200108144711

    Carla Moralez

    Community Health Worker
    CHC of Wyandotte County
    Keith Ragsdale20241113173322

    Keith Ragsdale

    Data, Systems & Workflows Program Manager
    CHC of Wyandotte County
    Alma Lopez20220412162712

    Alma Lopez

    Community Health Worker
    WyCo Connect
    Mariah Chrans, IBCLC, Ph.D20200513212913

    Mariah Chrans, IBCLC, Ph.D

    Programs Director
    Cradle Kansas City
    Ashley Gonzalez20221222195016

    Ashley Gonzalez

    Program Coordinator
    CHC of Wyandotte County
    Martha Mendoza-Moreno20230823145331

    Martha Mendoza-Moreno

    Community Health Worker
    CHC of Wyandotte County
    Karla Sevilla20220302211926

    Karla Sevilla

    Community Health Worker
    WyCo Connect
    Ellie Ludwig20241113174418

    Ellie Ludwig

    Health Insurance Specialist
    Kansas Assistance Network, LLC
    Heather Simmons20230830145438

    Heather Simmons

    Grants and Development Director
    CHC of Wyandotte County


    The Community Health Council of Wyandotte County aims to enhance the health, and access to health care services, of Wyandotte County residents, especially our vulnerable populations, through advocacy, collaboration, and education.


    With the help of our valued partners and patrons,  CHC excels at identifying health improvement opportunities, designing shared strategies and maximizing the collective genius that exists between the various collaborators to implement effective health initiatives.

    Learn More About the CHC Board of Directors

    The mission of the Community Health Council of Wyandotte County is to enhance health outcomes in Wyandotte County through informing, collaborating, aligning, mobilizing and activating organizations, government entities and community members.

    CHC Newsletter