Brian Matlock
Education, Outreach, & Strategic Communications Manager
CHC of Wyandotte County
CHC of Wyandotte County
Brian Matlock is the CHW Program Manager for CHC. He works closely with both CHWs and community partners. He grew up in a close family in Idaho, where his family opened their home and volunteered extensively. This developed his passion to help people and make a difference in his community. After his undergraduate degree in Oklahoma and volunteer opportunities abroad in Croatia, Venezuela, and South Africa, he moved to Wyandotte County in 2009.
Brian is a PHD candidate in economics with several years of work experience in social services including community development, mental health case management, and homeless services. He started his economics education with an emphasis in economic development and urban/regional economics to better understand and address poverty and inequality. He came to CHC as a community health worker in 2021, drawn to CHC's intersection of direct service, policy, advocacy, and research.
As a CHW Program Manager, Brian intends to focus on process improvement and data-driven programming to increase CHC’s effectiveness and reduce the administrative burdens of paperwork--to ensure the CHWs get to help the community with as much of their time as possible. He will also focus on collaboration with other community partners and agencies to ensure fewer people fall through the cracks, and CHC’s work is strategic and based on the needs and goals of our community members. He wants to use his passion, knowledge, and experience to enhance the work of CHC and make positive change in WyCo!